Teacher Ellen

Ice Days!

Teacher Ellen
As a part of our exploration of winter, we enjoyed Ice Day in the Dolphin and Orca classes. Each child got to freeze some ice at home, making it any shape they wanted, and adding any interesting thing they chose. The children could hardly wait to show their friends in class.

We stacked the ice in tups, trying to build it as high as we could, and add as many interesting shapes as possible. It was interesting to figure out how to help the ice stick to other slippery pieces of ice (salt).

We squirted colored water onto our ice castles to make them more beautiful and interesting.

The Orca castles started with large pieces of block ice on the bottom. We had discussed who might live in an ice castle, including ice queens, giants, and other magical creatures. We wrote an exciting story about our ice castle.

We also made ice cream in zip bags. This took some team work and persistence. It elped to sing while we churned our ice cream.


The salt dissolved tunnels into the ice. It was fascinating to squirt colored water into the tunnels, and watch it spread through the ice.