Teacher Ellen

Exploring play doh

Teacher Ellen

The play doh table has been especially interesting this fall. There are gourds and a couple of large pumpkins. Look at the silly pumpkin faces!

Oh, yes, these guys need hair. This kind of play allows children to think about their bodies, pay attention to detail, and be creative in ways to represent their ideas through the medium of play doh.

Guess how I am feeling!

There are all kinds of choices at the play doh table. The children work intently while the Teaching Parents encourage, model, and chat with the kids.

A lot of different skills are demonstrated, from rolling stings of doh for hair, to rolling balls, to the challenge of figuring out how to get it to stick to the gourd.

Everyone has their own ideas and way of expressing themselves.

Here some boys practice rolling balls to put apples on the apple tree.

But, wait... looks like it's more than just an apple tree!