Autumn at preschool
This fall is beautiful here on Bainbridge. The days have been mostly dry, the leaves are beautiful, and the mushrooms amazing! We have been enjoying a lot of fall activities.
The classes have been going on fall walks through our Wildlife Sanctuary and around the preschool grounds. There is so much to see. Look! Another mushroom!
Standing under a tree and looking up through it's branches is a fascinating thing to do. This maple has leaves that are almost black on one side.
We collected fall treasures and brought them back in the classroom. It was fun to spread the play doh on the plate and then add out fall treasures.
It was hard to decide what to add! We collected so many different things: leaves, moss, pine cones, sticks, fallen apples, helicopter seeds, and more.
After looking carefully at the beautiful leaves, observing the leaf "bones" and "veins," we realized that these maple leaves have 5 points, just like our 5 fingers. We traced our hands, and then carefully added the "bones" and "veins."
Then we colored our leaves with watercolor pencils, painted them with water, and they were beautiful!
We also had a lot of fun making paper bag pumpkins. This Teaching Dad really helped by holding the bag while we painted.
Look at these leaves on the playground!
Here was another way we explored fall colors and hand-shaped leaves.
Even the chalk and chalk boards have been used to create the fall splendor.
Deciduous, deciduous,
The leaves of fall are falling.
The evergreen,
It stands so tall,
It doesn't lose it's leaves at all.
Deciduous, deciduous,
The leaves of fall are falling!
Teacher Ellen