Preschool Art
The Orca class did a fun art piece. We started with a large board. Onto the board we scooped a container of wall compound. We spread the compound all over the board.
Next we used a variety of tools as well as our hands to make textures and designs in the compound. It was a fascinating texture, thick and sticky. We got lots of it on our hands, and then scraped it off, and then did it again.
Watch the concentration as this girl enjoys the tactile experience.
We voted wheather we wanted to paint the pice using cool colors, or warm colors. We didn't really know what this meant, so we also guessed what those colors would be. The cool colors won out, and we learned that cool colors are the colors of things that are cool, like water and ice. Warm colors are the colors of things that are warm or hot, like the sun or a fire. We painted the board with cool colors, and then we added some white to vary the color intensity.
To finish this masterpiece, we added sparkly jewles in cool colors. It turned out beautiful! We don't know what we will do with this art piece, yet, but we might hang it from the ceiling of the new treehouse where it will look like the evening sky full of stars.
Teacher Ellen