Teacher Ellen

Why I Joined ICP...

Teacher Ellen
These comments from currently enrolled parents are about they are enrolling again for next year, and what ICP has meant for them. Thanks for the positive feedback!

"Joining ICP was a huge step outside of my comfort zone. My work was too small and limited to produce friends, yet it managed to eat away all of our time. I was content living in relative social isolation other than my communications with our friends back in FL. But, once I had kids, I knew I wanted to find a community that would fit with our family groove. For them to grow up to be well adjusted social human beings, I had to actually attempt to be a well adjusted social human being myself! So here we are, and we could not be happier. Becoming a part of this community has enhanced our lives in every way. Not only do I get to spend time with all of these truly stunning little people, I get to grow and learn as a parent & spouse,  and realize I am not alone in this sometimes confusing world."

"My son and I joined ICP just over 2 years ago. He was 15 months and I had quit my job a few months before to become a stay-at-home mom. I was searching for something to...well...keep me sane. I needed something to keep me connected to people, and keep my son active. Beyond what few friends I had from work, I didn't have too much of a support system, and could totally see myself just being comfortable locked away at home. Well, I found exactly what I was looking for when we joined ICP. I decided to throw myself into it and even joined the board as class rep! It was originally something I never would have done before I had my son, as I hate things out of my comfort zone. But I did it for both of us. I knew the more I threw myself into it, the more comfortable he would also be with things and people around him. Its amazing what these little munchkins can do to us! Hehe! We haven't looked back since and have been enjoying every minute of it. My son loves him some Teacher Ellen! ;) ;)"