Learning with the littlest ones
The set up of the Penguin class allows for a lot of gentle exploration and building of self-confidence. Because separation from their parent is not a concern for these little people (because they share the morning with a parent), they begin to spread their wings within the classroom and begin to independently explore materials and activities. They can touch bases with their parent, or another liked and trusted adult, as needed.
Never underestimate the help of a toddler! These children love assisting with the routines of our school day.
Here we are washing the table after art, in preparation for snack. You should see how these children love to help move big things, like the rocking boat, or one of the heavy snack tables. They pour their own water during snack, and they bus their dishes and put their extra food into the compost bin. Things like this make these little ones feel mighty powerful!
For a parent, the Penguin class is one morning each week when they can relax and just be there for their child. No telephones, no chores, no older or younger sibs clamoring for attention, too.
This is also an wonderful opportunity to connect with other parents, to share parenting concerns and successes, and to laugh. It's a Win-Win situation!
Teacher Ellen