The Sea Otter Class
There has been lots of learning and fun in the Sea Otter class these days. Stories are a favorite, and if an adult or teacher is willing to read, the kids will keep you there for book after book. Here one little guy has prepared a picnic with a parent. Lots of practicing manners.
This little girl is working on her math and science learning. She is exploring the jar of seashells, taking them out one by one, laying them on the floor, touching and exploring each one.
These little girls are working together to paint the stones with water. They worked carefully to cover the entire rock.
Hello, friend! Let's work together to put the flowers in the flower box. They talked and negotiated who had the flowers and where they should go in the box.
Scooping, pouring, using a big spoon, or a little one, cleaning up any spills.
This is a fall forest. This Sea Otter worked carefully placing the red glass stones just so in the play doh forest.
Working with balance with natural items.
More math, making long lines on the table. You have to explain to your friends what you are doing so they don't move your pieces. It also helps when a friend works with you.
Color, texture, shape, size, quantity... so many things we are learning!
Teacher Ellen