he Dead Bird Mystery
On one of the Orca's first days of preschool we found a dead bird on the playground. What had happened to it? We were excited to look more clsely.
Using a magnifying glass helped.
What kind of bird was it? We got the bird books and tried to find a picture of it.
A mom in our class knows all about birds. She checked to see if the bird's heart was still beating. It wasn't.
She taught us about the different parts of the bird.
We got to touch it to feel how soft it was.
We made a bed for it on a stump. We put it on soft leaves, and put a soft leaf blanket on top of it. We could hardly wait to check it the next day to see how the bird was.
Look! Something is eating the bird! It was a slug and a wasp. There was a hole in the bird.
We talked a lot about what happens to an animal's body after it dies.
The next day we check on our bird, AND IT WAS GONE! This girl ran to tell her friends. We all ran over to look for clues. One girl found a feather. Had an animal eaten it or carried it away? One child thought it might be a fox, and another child thought is might be a raccoon. We will need to do some research to see if these animals eat dead birds. The mystery continues...
Teacher Ellen