Teacher Ellen

Picking blackberries

Teacher Ellen
Last week during our open playground play date we picked blackberries. Our school sits behind a lovely church that is over 100 years old. It was moved to it's current location decades ago. The land was once an old farmstead and it includes 5 acres. A good portion of this we have fenced and turned into our awesome natural playscape. Another unused wooded portion is our certified Wildlife Sanctuary. There is still a large, open, grassy meadow with ancient fruit and nut trees, with blackberries growing along the perimeter.

We passed out containers and headed over to check out the berries. Some children were old hands at picking blackberries, and some were enjoying their first time. We talked about how a blackberry plant protects itself, and some of us had first hand experience with the sharp thorns.

There seemed to be very different strategies among the children for what to do with their berries. This little boy ate all of his, with gusto!

This little boy was so proud of his growing blackberry supply. He couldn't wait to get it home to cook something with the berries.

The parents enjoyed the picking as well, and chatted about making pies and jams. We will pick the plums soon, and will hold a special day to pick the walnuts before the squirrels steal them all!