Teacher Ellen

"Nasty" weeds

Teacher Ellen
Another morning doing work at the farm school. More work was needed weeding the 100' rows of potatoes on the farm. It has been important to learn about weeds, and why we don't want them with our crops. We learn that weeds are robbers, stealing the sun, food, and water from the food we are growing. We need to pull them out, making sure to get their hungry roots, so that our food can grow up to be strong food for our growing strong bodies.

It can really take some muscles to pull out a mature weed. We work together with the parents to get the weeds. Even three year olds can be great help on the farm. We load the "nasty" weeds (as one little boy, with some obvious weed pulling experience, called the weeds) into the farm wagon, and then we pull, really hard, to get it down the row and over to the compost mountain.

This wagon is really fancy because it can dump the weeds out like a dump truck! Goodbye nasty weeds!