Teacher Ellen

The Penguin Class Visits the Beach

Teacher Ellen
Every year in May we learn about Sea Life. This makes sense, since we live on an island surrounded by the Puget Sound. The beach we head to has a variety of habitats, from sand, to muscle and barnacle beds, eel grass beds, large rocks, areas of cloning sea anemones, and, if the tide is far enough out, the most fabulous kelp bed.

We start our day by collecting beach treasures. Look how many different things we found and lined up on a large driftwood log!

The tide was out quite far that morning. It's tricky for little people to walk across all of the different surfaces, but it's well worth it when we find sea creatures!
We saw orange and purple sea stars, as well as sunflower stars of many sizes. There were lots of sand collars (the eggs of the moon snail), and even a blood star.