Teacher Ellen

Celebrating Our Garden on Earth Day!

Teacher Ellen
Celebrating Our Garden on Earth Day!

OUr school celebrated Earth Day this year by holding a special celebration in our new garden. We invited our families, and all of the other classes at preschool. We all made wish flags with a drawing of the wish we had for our garden. There were lots of wishes for berries and other yummy things, and one little girl wished a mermaid would appear in the middle of our garden!

The garden was all dressed up for the celebration.

The Orcas each had written out a blessing for the garden. We started by singing one of our favorite new songs, The Garden Song, by Pete Seeger:

Inch by inch,

Row by row,

Gonna make this garden grow,

All it takes is a rake and a hoe

And a piece of fertile ground,

Inch by inch,

Row by row,

Please bless these seeds I sow,

Please guard them down below

'Til the rain comes tumbling down.

Each child brought up their blessing, said it aloud, and dipped a flowering apple branch into water to sprinkle on the garden.

We also had written our thank yous to Mother Earth, which we all said together.

We hung the blessings on the fence around the garden.

Our seeds are waiting in the soil for the sun and the rain.

After the celebration we had a fun butterfly snack, 

and then we made wind catchers and ran around on the grass with them, catching the glorious wind.