Teacher Ellen

Spring in the Orca Class

Teacher Ellen
Spring in the Orca Class

Four and five year olds are interested in so much, and so ready to learn. Each child is in their own place developmentally, but they have so much to learn from each other. Here one child wrote a book for a friend, and then read it to him. How inspiring!

One day we danced with paint on our feet. One piece of paper was for fast dancing, and one was for slow dancing.

It made us giggle,

and it was tickly when the mom painted our feet!

Our friends bring in lots of interesting things. This girl brought in some eggs she found in a pond. We discussed what kind of eggs they were. Some thought they were frog eggs, and some thought they might be salamander eggs.

We looked closely at them to try to figure this out. Our friend gives us reports, and told us that the eggs had hatched! She thinks they are salamanders or newts.

We often cook on Fridays. This day we cooked eggs. We compared white store bought eggs with eggs a friend's chicken's laid that were all different colors. We knew right away they were different when we cracked them open. The store egg was yellow, and the home egg was almost orange in color. We scrambled the eggs.

Look! Can you tell which eggs are the store ones, and which are the home ones? We graphed whether we thought the eggs would taste the same or different. More people thought they would taste different, and they did!

We made toast to go with our eggs. It was a yummy snack.

We took our egg shells and made little eggheads. We gave them eyes and a face, and then planted grass seed in them for hair. How long will it take for the grass hair to grow?

There has been some cooking going on on the playground. One group made food for the pirates and invited them to the mud kitchen to eat, and then the pirates made food for us and invited us to their ship. Was there poison in the pirates food? Should we eat it?

We made a big pot of soup with lots of different ingredients.

We stirred and mixed,

and then served it up. Yum!

The pirates caught a dad and put him in jail.

Inside we built Terrific Town. It was very fancy, and we worked togther to build it.

It had a pond with water animals,

and there were lots of trees bringing good oxygen to the town.

But, alas, the people didn't know what to do with their garbage, so they just threw it out in the streets. It went from Terrific Town, to Trashy Town.

We worked hard to gather up the garbage and haul it away.

We read the book

Compost Stew

 to learn more about what foods can and cannot go into our compost bin. Then we made a poster for all of the other classes.

We made our recycle bin more visible by painting the symbol all around it.

Learning about caring for the world is an important thing we do in the Orca class. We also learn the importance of caring for our friends. Here on boy got a bump on his head. The other boy asked him what he could do to help his friend feel better. He was asked to rest his hand on the bump until it felt better.

The Orcas have also been exploring ramps and tubes, here marbles and paper towel tubes.

We have been doing some transient art, or art that is to be enjoyed while we are making it and when we are done, but art that is put away. The children drew with chalks first, and then decorated with loose parts.

This girl made a beautiful heart, and the first letter of her name.