The Texture Table
So much learning can happen in a texture table: scooping, pouring, filling, measuring, volume, textures, small muscle development, social skills, responsibility, and on and on. Here a child uses an interesting tool to pick up gems from the rice and put them in a bowl. This tool requires him to squeeze the prongs in order to pinch the gem, and then maintain that pressure until time to release the gem into the bowl. This strengthens little hand muscles, a necessary step in pre-writing.
Here the rice is being scooped up and poured into a funnel which is filling a bottle. It's tricky when you also scoop up gems or buttons that plug the funnel.
Then, once the bottle is full, it is poured back into the funnel to fill a bowl. Brooms and dust pans are right there so children can take responsibility for sweeping up any spills.
Teacher Ellen