Teacher Ellen

Summer Farm Work (and play!)

Teacher Ellen
As a part of our participation in the farm school through the Educulture Project here on Bainbridge Island, we come twice a month during the summer to help with farm chores. This was our first day on the farm this summer. First, we took a tour of the farm to see how things are growing.

Look! A baby zucchini! The Orca class started these plants from seed in the greenhouse.

This sign tells us that this row has been planted with potatoes.

We visited the rabbits and the chickens. These are working animals on the farm. These rabbits are in a rabbit tractor. Their job is to eat the grass and weeds, and leave their poop on the ground to help feed the plants. The baby rabbits were shy to come out and visit. Eventually they did, and they are so cute! 

These are the young chickens. They were all different colors. They scratch in the grass, eat the weeds, and leave their poop, just like the rabbits! Everyone has a job on the farm!

We pulled the weeds and mounded the soil up around a row of potatoes. Do you know why we mound the soil? Because the potatoes grow under the dirt, and they need more dirt as the potatoes grow. We did a whole 100' row! Whoopee!

Even the littlest ones helped. This little guy found a particularly interesting rock and had a good time tasting it. That's not chocolate around his mouth! Oh, well... it's organic!